What Happens When You File a Police Report on Someone For Harassment

What Happens When You File a Police Report on Someone For Harassment

Colin Maher, 11 July 2024

Ohio is known for its very strict laws, particularly in regard to criminal offenses such as driving under the influence, drug crimes, and criminal harassment. Criminal harassment covers a number of different acts including public indecency, menacing by stalking, sexual imposition (i.e., nonconsensual sexual contact), And the penalties associated with each type of harassment vary being considered a misdemeanor to facing jail time and fines.

And as we talk about the types of harassment in Ohio, it is also important to note for anyone who is facing harassment of any kind in Ohio, they have the right to file a police report. Individuals can file a police report in person or online in the city Columbus via the city’s official website.

But what exactly happens when a police report is filed for harassment? Below, we will take a look at what happens when a police report is filed.

Please note that if you are facing harassment charges, we recommend connecting with a Columbus criminal defense attorney. They can help explain your rights to you and help minimize or avoid penalties of criminal charges.

When Can You File a Police Report for Harassment?

If someone has reason to believe they are being harassed, they can essentially file a police report whenever. A police report can be filed in person at a police station or online. Certain types of harassment may fall under different areas of the law, such as workplace harassment will typically be separate from other types of harassment.

Certain criminal offenses may have a statute of limitation (a set time limit) in which someone has the time to report the harassment as well.

If you are currently being accused of harassment of any kind, be sure to reach out to a Columbus criminal defense attorney here at The Maher Law Firm, LLC. Our attorney Colin Maher offers free consultations where he can take a closer look at your case.

What happens when you file a police report for harassment

When a police report is filed, the following is typically what occurs:

  1. The police report on harassment is filed by an individual that has reason to believe they have been harassed or are being harassed. They will file this report either in person or online. If the harassment is an emergency, the individual may call 911.
  2. Evidence that the individual has kept of the harassment will need to be submitted. This can include things like:
    1. Emails
    2. Text messages or other direct messages
    3. Social media posts
    4. Phone records
    5. Photographic or video evidence of the harassment
    6. Eyewitness contact information
  1. Evidence will be reviewed by whoever is assigned to the harassment report. Follow up calls might be made by the officer or detective that is handling the case. They may also speak to the person being accused of harassment.
  2. Once follow up has been completed and evidence reviewed, the officer will then make a decision on what exactly can be done. This may include a decision to file charges against the accused or finding that there is not enough evidence to pursue charges.

Specifically in the city of Columbus, some additional information about filing a police report includes:

  • All police reports filed online are reviewed by an office assistant. The filer may be contacted if further investigation is needed.
  • Upon completion of the report process, each report will be given a temporary police report case number.
  • Online reports on a number of different incidents can be made including harassing phone calls, attempted theft of a car, property damage, and vandalism.

Connect with an Experienced Columbus Criminal Defense Attorney

If you are being faced with harassment charges or other types of criminal offenses, we recommend reaching out to a Columbus criminal defense attorney. A criminal defense attorney will be able to look over your charges and help explain your legal options to you fully. You may feel nervous or lost on how to approach criminal charges, particularly if you have looked at the more obvious consequences such as fines and potential jail time.

But our Columbus criminal defense attorney from The Maher Law Firm, LLC will be able to discuss the other potential penalties that can come with criminal charges. From serious to petty offenses, a conviction can have very real consequences on you and your life. Here at our firm, your future is extremely important to us and our founder, Colin Maher.

Colin Maher has over 10+ years of experience as a Columbus criminal defense attorney and has a thorough understanding of the complicated laws in Ohio that guide criminal charges of all types. He brings experience and expertise to the table for a strong and aggressive defense.

The Maher Law Firm, LLC offers free quotes and consultations. To schedule a consultation, please reach out to us by calling 614-205-2208 or by contacting us through our online form.


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