Columbus Lawyer Colin Maher


Third DUI in Columbus Ohio – What You Need to Know

As a driver facing a third DUI in Columbus, Ohio, it is important to know that the consequences grow in severity with each conviction. In Ohio, State Highway Patrol and local police officers are able to impose administrative license suspensions on the spot if a driver refuses to submit to a test to determine if they are impaired.

When you are facing a 3rd DUI offense in Columbus, Ohio, there are still options to consider that an experienced OVI attorney in Columbus can assist you with.

To understand third offense DUI penalties in Columbus, Ohio including the minimums and maximums, speaking with an experienced third OVI lawyer in Columbus will be a key step.

What the BAC for A 3rd DUI Offense in Columbus Ohio Can Mean

If you are facing a 3rd DUI offense in Columbus, Ohio, the penalties you could potentially face will differ depending on your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) and or the concentration of drugs in your system.

Just like every other state, Ohio has a set legal blood alcohol concentration limit. Ohio’s legal BAC has a limit of .08 for adult drivers that are over the age of 21. That limit drops significantly for other types of drivers. A limit of .04 is set for a commercial truck driver and a limit of .02 is set for drivers under the age of 21.

Third DUI penalties in Columbus, Ohio vary by the degree of intoxication that one is found to have based on the following:

  • Low-level OVI/DUI: If you have a BAC that is over .08 but less than .17
  • High-level OVI/DUI: If you have a BAC of .17 or over if you refuse a chemical test with a prior OVI/DUI conviction within the last 20 years

Third DUI Penalties in Columbus, Ohio

If you are facing a third DUI in Columbus, Ohio, the penalties you will be looking at differ from those of a first DUI and second DUI or OVI offense. As mentioned previously, the third DUI penalty in Columbus, Ohio will also vary depending on the amount of alcohol found in your system or if you refuse to take a chemical test with a prior conviction.

The minimum third DUI penalties in Columbus, Ohio are:

  • A third offense within 10 years is 30 days of jail time
  • A court-imposed license suspension of 2 years to 12 years with no privileges for 180 days
  • A minimum fine of $850
  • BMV license suspension (length dependent upon if you submit or refuse to take a test)

Regarding the BMV license suspension specifically, if you refuse to take a test to determine the amount of alcohol or drugs in your system, the overall length of your suspension will be determined by the number of convictions you have in the pest 10 years. The minimum penalty is a 3-year suspension with no privileges for 1 year.

If you do submit to a test and the amount of alcohol or drugs is determined to be over the legal limit, the suspension length you face is completely determined by the number of convictions you have in the last 10 years. For a third offense, the period of suspension will be at least 2 years with no privileges for 180 days.

To read more about the third DUI penalties in Columbus, Ohio and further specifications behind each, see our list of Ohio DUI penalties.

Contact a Third OVI Attorney in Columbus, Ohio

Laws in Ohio that relate to OVI’s and DUI’s are among the most strict in the United States and can be complicated. If you are facing a third DUI in Columbus, Ohio, it can be especially critical for you to work with an OVI lawyer in Columbus.

The Maher Law Firm is here to assist you with a third DUI in Columbus, Ohio. Practicing throughout Central Ohio, we can assist you whether your case is filed in municipal court, mayor’s court, or in the court of common pleas. Get in contact with an experienced third OVI attorney in Columbus by today by reaching out online or calling us at 614-205-2208.


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