If you have been through a DUI related charge in the past, chances are you already know a fair amount about the DUI process. What really changes from the second offense on are the penalties and the prosecutors willingness to be lenient. On your first offense, you were a person with a job and a family who made a mistake. On your second, you instantly become this person with a serious drinking problem even though this probably doesn’t describe you at all. With each subsequent offense, it only gets worse. Having a good Columbus DUI defense attorney not only helps make sure that the proper procedures were followed; It also gives you a voice to show that you are still a human being and not some monster.

Penalties for Multiple DUI

Depending on how many prior DUI related offenses you have, the penalties you face may include mandatory jail, a driver intervention program, fines, license suspension, treatment, special plates, drug and alcohol monitoring, an interlock device on you car, vehicle immobilization, and even forfeiture of your vehicle. The following is a rough guideline of the minimum penalties when it is not your first offense. Your chance of only being sentenced to the minimum penalties becomes less and less with every offense. Other factors like refusals to submit a sample for chemical testing and high test results will also play a role in the mandatory minimums.

Second DUI in 10 years

At least 10 days in jail or 5 days in jail and 18 days on house arrest, a $525 fine, a drug and alcohol assessment, a 1 year license suspension, no driving privileges for 45 days, special plates, interlock device, and a 90 day vehicle immobilization if the vehicle is registered to you.

Third DUI in 10 years

At least 30 days in jail or 15 days in jail and 36 days on house arrest, an $850 fine, an alcohol and drug addiction program, a 2 year license suspension, no driving privileges for 180 days, special plates, interlock device, and forfeiture of your vehicle if it is registered to you.

Fourth DUI in 10 years

A fourth or higher is a felony offense requiring, at a minimum, 60 days in jail, a $1350 fine, an alcohol and drug addiction program, a 3 year license suspension with no driving privileges, and forfeiture of the vehicle if it is registered to you.

Contact a Columbus DUI Attorney

If you have been arrested for driving under the influence and it is not your first offense, you probably already know how important it is to have an experienced defense attorney represent you. Take some time to examine your options. Call around to see who may be a good fit for you. Call The Maher Law Firm at 614-205-2208 or contact us to speak with a lawyer now.


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