You may be thinking that possession of marijuana is a minor offense. Depending on the amount possessed, that can be true. The problem with even this minor offense is the 6 month to 5 year driver’s license suspension, the reporting to professional licensing authorities if you are a professionally licensed person, and trouble obtaining school loans. It is wise to contact an experienced Columbus marijuana possession attorney to find out what you need to know about a possession of marijuana conviction.
Possession of marijuana under 100 grams is a minor misdemeanor with the possible penalties of $150 fine, court costs, community service, driver’s license suspension, and reporting to professional licensing authorities. Possession of any amount equal to or exceeding 100 grams increases the level of the offense. The amount of marijuana and the corresponding offense levels are as follows:
If you have been charged with possession of marijuana, you have more at risk than you know. Call Marijuana Possession Attorney Colin Maher from The Maher Law Firm at 614-205-2208 to discuss your case.
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