Drivers who have left the scene of a car accident in Ohio could face negative, lasting effects on their lives. These effects can include potential jail time and heavy fines. These kinds of consequences will vary depending on the severity of the car accident and other factors. And while hit and runs can be difficult to prove, you might find yourself facing hit and run charges after an accident. are traffic cameras legal in ohio?
Should this be the case, you undoubtedly have questions about how evidence can be gathered in your defense – especially if you are working with a hit and run defense attorney in Ohio. One key form of evidence that may be used is traffic camera video footage.
With that in mind, we are going to take a look at how to get traffic camera footage to track down a hit-and-run related to traffic violation you may be facing and how a hit and run defense attorney in Ohio can help you in collecting this type of evidence.
When it comes to how to get traffic camera video in Ohio, the first step is to determine if there is a traffic camera near the site of the accident itself. Many cities in Ohio have traffic cameras located along highways and roads. These cameras can be seen on the Ohio Government’s OhGo website where traffic camera locations and other relevant traffic information are shared.
You may also notice in person whether or not there were traffic cameras near the site of the car accident as well.
Once you know whether or not there was a traffic camera nearby, you can then make a request for camera footage for the time and date of the incident. This request will need to be made to the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT).
ODOT notes that they typically only keep a “72-hour (three day) buffer of video recordings” from the camera feeds for locations that they directly control. Cameras in certain urban areas, including Columbus, are controlled and operated by local municipalities.
Other locations may have no recorded footage available.
When requesting traffic camera footage, having the location and date of the incident will be extremely beneficial.
Other points to keep in mind that ODOT makes notes of on their site include:
If you need to request traffic video footage in relation to a hit and run, please contact Maher Law Firm. Our hit and run defense attorney can submit a request on your behalf and offer you legal representation. ohio red light law
If traffic camera footage is available from ODOT or other sources, such as a police department, a private company’s cameras (such as a security camera attached to a nearby business), or another person’s vehicle camera, we can request this footage.
Video footage of the incident leading to your traffic offense can be used as evidence in your case by Maher Law Firm to help establish your case.
Other types of evidence that can impact your case include eyewitness testimony, photos of the accident site itself, and damage to the involved vehicles. Sometimes there is no video footage available, and these other kinds of evidence can be useful on their own.
If you are facing a traffic violation or charge for a hit and run, it can be extremely beneficial to connect with an experienced hit and run defense attorney in Ohio. Some drivers may be inclined to just pay any related fees or fines with a traffic charge or attempt to defend themselves in court. But traffic charges in Ohio can be complex and may leave you with a number of consequences, depending on the case.
To help you address a traffic violation, please contact Maher Law Firm LLC today. Our founder and experienced hit and run defense attorney in Ohio is Colin Maher. He has handled thousands of traffic defense cases that include speeding tickets, driver’s license suspensions, reckless operations, DUI/OVI defense, and hit and run cases.
Colin Maher is ready and waiting to help provide you with a solid defense for your traffic offense. To schedule a free and confidential phone consultation with Colin Maher, please call us at 614-205-2208 or reach out online.
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