Columbus Weapons Charges Attorney


The Maher Law Firm aggressively defends those charged with weapons offenses. Whether you have your concealed carry permit or not, you have the right to bare arms in certain places and situations. That right is strictly limited by the Ohio Revised Code which prohibits certain acts when a weapon is involved. The laws regulating firearms are extremely detailed and complicated. If you choose to own or possess a weapon, you need to know the law inside and out.

If you have questions regarding your ownership or possession of a weapon in Ohio, contact an experienced gun possession lawyer to advise you. At the The Maher Law Firm, we will use all relevant defenses and exceptions to fight your charges.

Harsh Penalties

Owning or possessing a weapon carries with it an immense amount of responsibility. Violations of weapons control laws have harsh and lasting penalties. The following is a brief description of some acts involving weapons that are generally prohibited under Ohio law. This is not an all inclusive list.

Carrying a Concealed Weapon

Carrying a deadly weapon, a handgun, or a dangerous ordnance on your person or concealed and ready at hand.

What is a deadly weapon? A deadly weapon is anything capable of inflicting death and designed, adapted, possessed, carried, or used as a weapon.

What is a handgun? A handgun is any firearm that has a short stock and is designed to be held and fired using one hand. It also includes any combination of parts that can be assembled into a handgun.

What is a firearm? A firearm is any deadly weapon capable of expelling or propelling one or more projectiles by the action of an explosive or combustible propellant even if it is unloaded or inoperable so long as it can be readily rendered operable.

Illegal Possession in Liquor Permit Premises

Possession of a firearm in any room where a person is consuming beer or intoxicating liquor in a place where a liquor permit has been issued or in an open air arena where a liquor permit has been issued.

Illegal Conveyance or Possession in School Safety Zone

Conveying, attempting to convey, or possessing a deadly weapon or dangerous ordinance in a school safety zone.

Illegal Conveyance or Possession into Courthouse

Conveying, attempting to convey, possessing, or having under your control a deadly weapon or dangerous ordinance in a courthouse or other building where a courtroom is located.

Having Weapon Under Disability

Acquiring, having, carrying, or using any firearm or dangerous ordinance if you are a fugitive, you have been indicted for a felony offense of violence, you have been convicted of a felony offense of violence, you have been indicted for a felony offense involving drugs of abuse, you have been convicted of a felony offense involving drugs of abuse, you are drug dependent, you are a chronic alcoholic, you are mentally incompetent, mentally ill, or mentally defective.

Using Weapons While Intoxicated

Carrying or using a firearm or dangerous ordinance while under the influence of alcohol or a drug of abuse.

Improper Handling in Motor Vehicle

Discharging a firearm while in or on a motor vehicle. It also prohibits having a loaded firearm that is accessible to the driver or passenger without leaving the vehicle.

Improper Discharge

Discharging a firearm at or into an occupied structure, at, in, or into a school safety zone, or within one thousand feet of any school building or of the boundaries of any school premises.

Discharge Near Prohibited Premises

Discharging a firearm within 100 yards of a cemetery, on a lawn, park, pleasure ground, orchard, schoolhouse, church, inhabited dwelling, property of another, charitable institution, and on or over a public road or highway.

Unlawful Transaction in Weapons

Recklessly selling, lending, giving, or furnishing any firearm or dangerous ordnance to a prohibited person.

Defacing Identification Marks of Firearm

Changing, altering, removing, or obliterating any identifying mark on a firearm, or possessing a firearm that has had this done to it.

Improper Furnishing to a Minor

Selling a firearm to, furnishing a firearm to, or purchasing a firearm for any person under the age of 18.

Selling a handgun to any person under the age of 21.

Underage Purchase

Purchasing or attempting to purchase a firearm when you are under the age of 18, or purchasing or attempting to purchase a handgun when you are under the age of 21.

Possessing Criminal Tools

Possessing or having under your control any substance, device, instrument, or article, with purpose to use it criminally.

The Maher Law Firm | Weapons Crime Lawyer in Columbus Ohio

If you or a loved one have been charged with a weapons offense, it is important to promptly secure quality representation. Contact a weapons crime defense lawyer from The Maher Law Firm at 614-205-2208.


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