DUI Sentencing Factors Ohio

DUI Sentencing Factors Ohio

Colin Maher, 10 September 2023

Certain factors will play a role in the mandatory minimum penalties that must be imposed in your DUI case if convicted. They include a high alcohol test, a prior DUI within the last 6 years, and a prior DUI within 20 years if you refused to take a chemical test to determine your alcohol or drug levels. Each factor increases the penalties in the following ways:

A High Alcohol Level Test

  1. Lengthens the mandatory minimum jail term
  2. Makes restricted plates required for driving privileges

Prior OVI Offense Within 6 Years

  1. Lengthens the mandatory minimum jail term
  2. Lengthens your license suspension
  3. Raises the mandatory minimum fine
  4. Makes a drug and alcohol assessment mandatory
  5. Makes recommended treatment mandatory
  6. Makes restricted plates required for driving privileges
  7. Makes interlock device required for driving privileges if alcohol related
  8. Makes immobilization of the vehicle required if it is registered in your name
  9. Makes forfeiture of the vehicle mandatory with 2 priors

Prior OVI Offense Within 20 years if you Refused the Blood, Breath, or Urine Test This Time

  1. Lengthens the mandatory minimum jail term

If you or someone you know is facing a DUI charge, contact an experienced Columbus DUI Attorney from The Maher Law Firm for help.

THE MAHER LAW FIRM | 614-205-2208

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