Assault is defined in the Ohio Revised Code 2903.13 as knowingly or recklessly causing physical harm to another person or another person’s unborn child. It also covers attempting to cause physical harm. Assault is considered a violent crime and is generally a misdemeanor of the first degree.
Since assault in Ohio is typically a misdemeanor of the first degree, the penalty is up to six months in jail, $1000 fine, court costs, possible probation and probation fees, up to 500 hours of community service, and a stay away order prohibiting you from being around the alleged victim.
One of the most common defenses for assault in Columbus, Ohio is self defense. You have a right to protect yourself to a certain degree. When protecting yourself, people often get carried away becoming the aggressor rather than simply defending themselves. It is tough to restrain yourself, but once you are no longer in danger, it is best to remove yourself from the situation. Using enough force without using too much will help you maintain a solid defense to the assault charge in Ohio.
If you have been charged with assault in Columbus, Ohio, it is important to talk to an experienced assault defense attorney. The Maher Law Firm can help you with your self defense claim and prove your innocence. Call us today at 614-205-2208 for a free consultation with an experienced assault defense attorney.
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