Underage DUI charges are taken very seriously in Ohio and can carry harsh penalties. In Ohio, the legal drinking age is 21 years old. Being charged with underage drinking and driving can be very frightening and has the potential to have a negative impact throughout the rest of your child’s life. If your child has been charged with driving under the influence (DUI), also known by its updated acronym OVI (operating a vehicle while impaired), you need to get them the assistance of a knowledgeable and experienced DUI attorney to fight the charges.
The immediate penalties your child is facing may well include license suspension for up to two years and up to 30 days jail time. If your child is under 18, he or she could be facing a sentence in a juvenile detention facility. If over 18, he or she could be sent to jail. Added to this could be a four point license penalty, being required to recomplete the license exam, as well as paying a steep license reinstatement fee. Your insurance company will significantly raise your car insurance rates if there is a DUI conviction on your child’s record. In addition, your child may be required to do community service, participate in an alcohol treatment program, participate in a driver safety course, and pay fines. Potentially the worst penalty is the criminal record that will follow your child throughout his or her life. This can impact future educational and employment opportunities.
Time is of the essence in defending against underage DUI charges. Make sure you choose an attorney who has a wealth of experience defending against Ohio’s underage DUI/OVI charges. There are many ways to challenge the field sobriety and chemical tests that may have been performed.
When your child is facing these serious charges, it can be both frightening and overwhelming. Having the trusted, conscientious legal representation they need may help ease the anxiety and provide the peace of mind to help both you and your child come through the difficulties presented by underage drinking charges.
If your child has been charged with an alcohol-related offense, their very future could hinge on the quality of legal representation you get to help them through this difficult time. You need the representation of a skilled attorney who can help you navigate the treacherous legal landscape. The Maher Law Firm can help make sure that your child’s rights are protected. Founding attorney, Colin Maher, is a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) certified practitioner for field sobriety testing, which is the same training police officers take. This training helps him evaluate and challenge the evidence collection involved in the field sobriety test process. Call The Maher Law Firm today for a free consultation at 614-205-2208 or contact us online.
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